Our Blog - Shared Value Solutions

THE TALON: New funding, and support for Indigenous students!

Written by Noelle O'Brien | Jun 27, 2024 4:21:28 PM

Welcome to Shared Value Solution's funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.


Hello readers!


Happy Indigenous History Month! This week we've been inspired by news of two modern treaty agreements reaching a conclusion in BC after nearly 30 years in the making. To celebrate achievements like this one, along with acknowledging the strength and resilience of Indigenous people, our team is participating in a fun learning activity through the month – read on to learn more.


Today we're bringing you news of funding for climate change adaptation and nuclear safety. Also new in this issue: a searchable list of 537 bursaries, scholarships and incentives for Indigenous students across Canada. Check it out at the link below!


Read on to discover all the funding available to Indigenous Nations across the country.



Indigenous Funding Programs



NEW! Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program. Application deadline: September 20, 2024


The Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program (CCHAP) funds the efforts of First Nations and Inuit communities to identify, assess and respond to the health impacts of climate change.  The program is designed to build capacity for climate change and health adaptation by funding community-designed and driven projects.


There are 2 streams for the program:

  • Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program North
  • Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program for First Nations South of 60°N

The program supports projects that focus on the health impacts of climate change by helping communities:

  • develop and implement health-related adaptation or action plans
  • develop and share knowledge-building and communication materials
  • support adaptation decision-making at the local, regional and national levels

More information here.


NEW! Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission- Indigenous and Stakeholder Capacity Fund. Application deadline: July 5 and August 15, 2024


This stream was created to fund short-term activities to enable Indigenous Nations and communities, the public and non-governmental organizations to participate in the review of CNSC regulatory documents, policies and regulations.

The following funding opportunities are now open:

•  Opportunity 2 – REGDOC-1.1.4, Licence Application Guide: Licence to Decommission a Reactor Facility: REGDOC-1.1.4 clarifies the requirements for and provides guidance on the information needed to apply for a licence to decommission a reactor facility. The deadline to apply is July 5, 2024.

•  Opportunity 3 – Discussion paper related to REGDOC-3.2.1, Public Information and Disclosure: REGDOC-3.2.1 sets out the CNSC's regulatory requirements for a public information and disclosure program for licensees and applicants regarding events and developments involving their nuclear facilities and/or activities. The deadline to apply is August 15, 2024.

Learn more about these funding opportunities. 


Indigenous Centre for Cumulative Effects: Community Funding Program.

Application deadline: July 8, 2024


The CFP funds Indigenous community-led projects to help build and enhance the capacity for cumulative effects assessment, monitoring and management in First Nations, Metis and Inuit territories, using a Two-Eyed Seeing approach. Learn about cumulative effect projects and review the funding guidelines for applications.


NEW! First Nations Environmental Contaminants Program. Application deadline: September 27, 2024


Indigenous Services Canada provides funding through the FNECP to help First Nations communities improve their health. The program supports these communities in identifying, investigating and characterizing the impact of exposure to environmental hazards. Its activities include community-based:

  • research
  • monitoring
  • risk assessment
  • risk communication
  • knowledge integration

Learn more about the program here.


Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program.  No application deadline

The Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities (CERRC) program provides funding for renewable energy and capacity building projects and related energy efficiency measures in Indigenous, rural and remote communities across Canada.

The program is working to reduce the use of fossil fuels for heating and electricity by increasing the use of local renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. This creates environmental, social and economic benefits to support healthier and more sustainable communities.

Investing in clean energy solutions in Indigenous communities is a small but important link to energy security, reconciliation, self-determination and economic development for Indigenous Peoples.


More info here. 


Lands and Economic Development Services Program 

Application deadline: different for each region, reach out to program officer for more info


The Lands and Economic Development Services Program (LEDSP) provides support to First Nation and Inuit Communities to assist with enhancing the economic development, land and environmental capacity of communities and to support the establishment of the conditions for economic development to occur, increasing their participation in the economy.  Up to $50,000 of project-based funding support.


More info here.


First Nations Waste Management Initiative

Application deadline: No deadline


This initiative provides support to First Nations to develop sustainable waste management systems through modern infrastructure, operations, training and partnerships.

Funding is available for a range of waste management activities, such as:

  • waste management agreements with municipalities and service providers (municipal-type agreements)
  • construction of transfer stations
  • construction of engineered landfills in remote and isolated communities
  • waste reduction and diversion initiatives such as recycling, composting and hazardous waste management programs
  • waste operator training
  • waste awareness and education programming
  • landfill management and closing of refuse sites
  • development of waste management plans and feasibility studies

More information here.


Telus Indigenous Communities Fund

Application deadline: October 11, 2024

The TELUS Indigenous Communities Fund provides flexible grant funding to Indigenous-led programs supporting Indigenous Peoples in Canada.

Funding is available for projects focused on, but not limited to:

  •  Health, mental health and well-being
  •  Access to education and resources
  •  Community building and enhancement
  •  Language and cultural revitalization
  •  Inter-community sharing of cultural stories

Grants are available up to $50,000 and are to support Indigenous-led initiatives that support tangible positive outcomes.


For more information, click here


Indigenous Leadership Fund

Application deadline: open from October 30, 2023 to March 31, 2027


The Indigenous Leadership Fund is being offered by Environment and Climate Change Canada as a new program under the Low Carbon Economy Fund. The program will fund Indigenous-owned and led renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-carbon heating projects. 


This fund will support projects that are:

  • Indigenous-owned and led
  • Advance Indigenous climate leadership
  • Support the self-determined climate, social, and economic priorities of Indigenous peoples. 

Eligible projects will meet the following criteria:

  • Incorporate or make use of renewable energy, energy efficiency, or low-carbon heating technologies and practices
  • Offer broader environmental, social, and economic benefits
  • Use proven technologies and practices 

Applicants are encouraged to submit projects that: 

Click here for more information about this opportunity.


Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program

Application deadline: varied

The Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program supports the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage by building on Canada's strength as a diverse and inclusive society.

The Program has three funding components: Events, Projects and Organizational Capacity Building.


Click here for more info!


Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities Program

Application deadline: Ongoing


The Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) program will provide funding to enable communities and sectors to work together at a regional scale to co-develop coordinated actions that increase climate resilience in coastal regions. 


The CRCC program will fund up to 25 pilot projects between 2023 and 2028 with a total budget of $41 million dollars under the Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan. 


There is an Indigenous-led application process where applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. 


Click here for more information. 


The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) Program

Application deadline: September 19, 2024


The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program aims to support new tree-planting projects. Over a period of 10 years, up to $3.2 billion will be invested in tree-planting efforts to support provinces, territories, third-party organizations (for-profit and not-for-profit), and Indigenous organizations to plant two billion trees across Canada.


Indigenous Funding Stream: for Indigenous governments/communities/organizations interested in tree planting and/or capacity-building projects.

Click here for more information.



The CEC North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA) grant program - Call for Proposals

Application deadline: TBD


The CEC will launch a new cycle of the North American Partnership for Environmental Community Action (NAPECA) grant program in the second half of November 2023. This year’s Call for Proposals will focus on climate adaptation and Indigenous Knowledge (IK). 


Click here for more information about this opportunity. 


Community Opportunity Readiness Program (CORP) – Funding Opportunity

Application deadline: Open


The Community Opportunity Readiness Program (CORP) provides project-based funding for First Nation and Inuit Communities’ pursuit of economic opportunities. The funding objective is that First Nation and Inuit communities implement economic and business development initiatives that will leverage private sector funding either immediately, or in the future.  


Click here for more information about this funding opportunity. 


Professional and Institutional Development Program

Application deadline: Different per region.


This program funds projects that develop the capacity of First Nations and Inuit communities to perform core functions of government such as planning and risk management, leadership, basic administration and financial management.

The Professional and Institutional Development Program funds projects that develop the capacity of communities to perform 10 core functions of governance, including:

  • leadership
  • membership
  • law-making
  • community involvement
  • external relations
  • planning and risk management
  • financial management
  • human resources management
  • information management and information technology
  • basic administration

Contact your funding services officer in your Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) regional office for the deadline in your region.


Click here for more information about this funding opportunity. 


First Nations Health Authority: Indigenous Climate Health Action Program

Application deadline: Open


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​FNHA’s Indigenous Climate Health Action Program (ICHAP) supports First Nations leadership in reducing climate change impacts on health. 


Climate change affects physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in many ways. Through ICHAP, communities can strengthen their climate health resilience by working together to improve the environmental, social, cultural, and economic factors that affect their health and wellness. 


Click here for more information about this funding opportunity. 


Wildfire and Natural Disaster Support

Application deadline: Various depending on the funding opportunity program


For those communities being affected by wildfires or other impacts of natural disasters happening across the country, we wanted to share a few funding programs we've heard of, that can support.

• Emergency Management FireSmart program https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1643385529147/1643385549632
• BCs program: FireSmart Community Funding and Supports - Province of British Columbia (https://hubs.ly/Q01XhZGV0)
• Emergency Management Assistance Program: https://hubs.ly/Q01XhYWj0
• First Nations Adapt - can be used for climate change adaptation planning (https://hubs.ly/Q01XhW-v0)


WWF-Canada Announces New Fund for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas
Application deadline: Not yet announced

The WWF will fund grants and contracts between $50,000 to $150,000 per year for up to three years to support Indigenous communities and organizations as they consider, establish, or maintain IPCAs.

IPCAs are defined and managed by Indigenous communities, and stewarded through Indigenous laws and knowledge systems. In the wake of the COP15 United Nations biodiversity summit, support for IPCAs will be increasingly important, as countries strive to protect 30 percent of the planet while upholding the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


For more information, contact:

Click here for more information about this funding opportunity. 


The Blanket Fund

Application deadline: new applications will be accepted in 2024


The Blanket Fund will provide support for Indigenous cultural, artistic, and educational activities. Offered through two grant streams (Reconciliation Action Grants and Capacity Building Grants), The Blanket Fund can be accessed by both grassroots Indigenous communities and organizations, and by Indigenous individuals undertaking related initiatives. 


Click here for more information about this funding opportunity. 


Rural Transit Solutions FundApplication Deadline: open

Eligible applicants can seek a grant of up to $50,000 through the Planning and Design Projects stream to support transit planning activities toward the development of new or expanded transit solutions.

Some examples of activities that are eligible under the stream include: public engagement, needs assessments, feasibility or viability studies, surveys and assessments of routes or modes of travel.


Click here for more info.



BC Nations, click here for a round up of all the funding available to you! And see below for our highlighted funding.


Pacific Salmon Commission. Application deadlines vary.


The Pacific Salmon Commission Secretariat oversees and manages various grant programs that support the implementation of the Pacific Salmon Treaty. The amount of available funds for each program varies annually and grants are awarded upon review of applications by the respective fund committee.


More information here.


New Relationship Trust Indigenous Labour Market Fund

Application deadline for Stream 1: December 1, 2024


The Indigenous Labour Market Fund (LMF) is intended to support and enhance a next generation approach of Indigenous initiatives to address three specific labour market issues or gaps impacting Indigenous people across B.C.

  1. Labour Market Studies: to cover costs associated with the update or development of comprehensive plans or studies that identify Indigenous led initiatives to increase the recruitment, placement, advancement and ultimately greater participation and success of Indigenous peoples in various sectors and regions across B.C.

Learn more here. 


Professional and Institutional Development Program

Application deadline: varies per region

This program funds projects that develop the capacity of First Nations and Inuit communities to perform core functions of government such as planning and risk management, leadership, basic administration and financial management. 


Click here to learn more.


Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Fund (PRF)

Application deadline: applications being accepted starting February 20th and available until all the funds are committed


Funding up to $100,000 per year, over two years is available for Indigenous-led charities and non-profits to support immediate work in enhancing poverty reduction and social inclusion initiatives.

The Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Fund (PRF) is intended to be low barrier and flexible source of funding for Indigenous charities and non-profits needing a boost in their financial and service capacity to deliver on crucial poverty reduction and social inclusion initiatives.

The PRF was funded and made possible through New Relationship Trust’s partnership and collaboration with the Vancouver Foundation and BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.


More info here.



Application deadline: no deadline


The First Nations Recycling Initiative supports recycling in First Nations communities throughout British Columbia. We collaborate directly with First Nations communities across BC to provide information about BC’s existing stewardship programs and local collection events in support of community recycling programs. We work together on projects to recycle these materials: tires, appliances, paper and packaging, electronics, beverage containers, batteries, power equipment, and health products.


More info here.


Government of British Columbia- Organics Infrastructure Program

Application deadline: no deadline

The Organics Infrastructure Program (OIP) helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing up to $30 million into projects that support:

  • Increasing organic waste processing capacity in B.C.
  • Keeping organic waste out of landfills

More information here.


Local Government Climate Action Program (LGCAP)

Application deadline: Open

The LGCAP provides funding for local governments and Modern Treaty Nations to plan and implement climate action that will reduce emissions, create new opportunities for people in the clean economy and prepare communities for future climate impacts. As part of the program, recipients of funding will be required to report on their actions.
The Program is currently in its second year, having made program and reporting refinements in collaboration with local governments and Modern Treaty Nations after year one.
This program:
  • Provides flexible, long-term funding that meets urban and rural needs
  • Enables community-specific action to reduce emissions and increase climate resilience
  • Enables robust reporting to track results and help improve the program over time
  • Enables knowledge sharing among local governments and Modern Treaty Nations to promote innovative climate action across the province 

For more information, click here


Indigenous Community Energy Coach Program & Indigenous Community Heat Pump Incentive

Application deadline: Ongoing

The Province of B.C. offers free energy coaching services to support Indigenous communities wanting to take advantage of the CleanBC Indigenous Community Heat Pump Incentive and related energy efficiency offers.


For more information, click here


The Declaration Act Engagement Fund (DAEF)

Application deadline: new applications accepted between May and December each year

The Declaration Act Engagement Fund (DAEF) provides multi-year (4 year) non-repayable funding contributions to First Nations to support their capacity to engage with the Province of B.C. on the implementation of the Declaration Act Action Plan and alignment of Provincial laws with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples both of which must be done in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous Peoples in B.C.


The Declaration Act Engagement Fund will accept new applications during New Relationship Trust’s annual funding cycle between May and December each year. Applicants will only have to apply once to the program.


More here for more information about this funding opportunity. 




NEW! Critical Minerals Innovation Fund. Application deadline: July 17, 2024


The CMIF supports projects that involve research, development and commercialization of innovative technologies, techniques, processes and solutions for critical minerals and relate to Ontario’s key priority areas.

Objectives of the CMIF include:

  • increasing critical minerals exploration, mining, development, production and processing
  • stimulating investment in Ontario’s critical minerals supply chain
  • enhancing collaboration between industry, academia, start-ups, and research and development firms to encourage innovation in the critical minerals sector

More information here. 


Community Museum Operating and Pay Equity Grants Program. Application deadline: July 2, 2024


The Community Museum Operating and Pay Equity Grants Program provides annual operating grants to eligible community museums across Ontario.

Funding will help community museums:

  • contribute to economic well-being as employers and tourist attractions
  • acquire, conserve, interpret and exhibit artifacts of public interest
  • provide unique opportunities for education and enjoyment
  • contribute to the rich cultural fabric of their communities

For more information click here.


Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation Funding Opportunity

Application deadline: no deadline

The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) is providing funding through their Innovation Stream to support research development and commercialization of new and innovative technologies in Northern Ontario.  

Who is Eligible? 

  • Private-sector businesses
  • Private-sector businesses in partnership with a public-sector academic or research institution

What Projects are Eligible? 

Eligible projects include applied research and development projects, as well as a demonstration and commercialization of new and innovative technologies.  


Click here for more information about this funding opportunity. 


Opportunities for Engagement and smaller funding pots:

    • Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) is accepting applications from individuals interested in serving as an appointee or nominee on boards, commissions, and other organizations within its portfolio. Click here for more info. 

    • NEW! Students, check out this searchable list of 537 bursaries, scholarships and incentives for Indigenous students across Canada.  Look here.

    • The Short-Term Projects component of Creating, Knowing and Sharing funds First Nations, Inuit and Métis professional and aspiring artists, cultural carriers, arts/cultural professionals, groups, collectives and arts/culture organizations. Grants provide support for any combination of eligible Creating, Knowing and Sharing activities for projects lasting up to 12 months. Find out more here.
    • Small grants to support community based healing and remembrance. More information here: https://nctr.ca/memorial/na-mi-quai-ni-mak/na-mi-quai-ni-mak-community-support-fund/ 

    • Micro-Loan Fund Available for Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs 
      The National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association and participating Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs) are pleased to announce the establishment of a new $5-million Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund.
      AFIs across the country are now delivering the Women Entrepreneurship Loan Fund on behalf of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada. First Nations, Inuit, and Métis women entrepreneurs from across the country are now able to access loans up to $50,000 to start or grow their business.
    • Clean Energy in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Communities. Environment and Climate Change Canada has announced an additional $300 million for clean energy projects. This funding supports projects that help advance Indigenous-led climate action, support local economic development, and create skilled jobs while reducing pollution and improving air quality.  There is no deadline to apply.

    • Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities. The Government of Canada is providing $103.8 million over 5 years to assist First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities with implementing and developing Indigenous-designed community safety projects. There are several activities eligible for this funding, including initiatives that recognize the importance of Traditional Knowledge and practices in community safety and well-being.  There is no deadline for this funding.

    • United Brotherhood of Carpenters Canadian District Receives $37 Million to Support Employers Hiring First-Year Apprentices 
      This program will fund assist Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to hire new, first-year apprentices in the skilled trades and provide extra support for employers to assist apprentices from equity deserving groups. 
      Apprenticeships offer a great way to get the hands-on work experience needed to pursue a career in the skilled trades, and small business plays a fundamental role in Canada’s apprenticeship system. 

      Many SMEs do not have the resources to offer apprenticeship training opportunities. In an effort to change this situation, Rowe and the UBC Canadian District have launched a two-year, $37-million program funded by the government of Canada’s Apprenticeship Service to provide support to SMEs in Canadian construction and manufacturing “Red Seal” trades to help them to hire new, first-year apprentices needing a leg-up to begin lucrative careers in the well-respected skilled trades. 
      In addition to financial supports, the program provides assistance to help employers navigate the apprenticeship system, onboard new apprentices, and set up the appropriate workplace training via a digital toolkit that can be found on their website at ubc-asp.ca.


SVS News


To honour Indigenous History month, last week we shared our recommendations for books written by Indigenous authors or focused on Indigenous content. Most of them are ones we've read, and a few are on our wish list! Among the many great titles are even ones written by people we've had the pleasure of working with.

To see our list, check out our blog post here.


For our last celebratory postwe are shouting out a few individuals who inspire us, and also shared some great resources referenced by our staff over the month- see below!


Check it out here


SVS eBooks for Download: Collect Them All!

Check out our collection of informative eBooks that are available for free download:

  • Protecting What Matters: Environmental Monitoring Ideas Bundle for Indigenous Nations
  • Channeling the Wisdom of Indigenous Knowledge 
  • Pandemic-Inspired Research Innovations
  • Indigenous Planning Cheat Sheet
  • Indigenous Business and the Resource Sector
  • Indigenous Planning Starter Kit
  • Indigenous Guardians and Development
  • GIS Intro Guide: Harnessing the Power of Maps
  • A Lands and Consultation Department Guidebook
  • Planning Starter Kit
Download our eBooks here


About Us: Shared Value Solutions

We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous Nations with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications, and nuclear power. 


We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward. 


Core Services:

  • Impact Benefit Agreement Negotiation Support 
  • Technical Reviews and Regulatory Process Support 
  • Community and Economic Development Planning 
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Land Use Studies 
  • Environmental Monitoring 
  • Guardians Program Development 
  • Climate Change Readiness 
  • GIS and Mapping 
  • and a whole lot more...www.sharedvaluesolutions.com