Hello readers,
Welcome to our latest edition of the Talon—our bi-weekly funding roundup! Lots of opportunities to strengthen community and build economy in today's edition.
Also in this issue, we are bringing you a recap of our popular Indigenous Data Sovereignty Series posted on LinkedIn by SVS's Jeff Hackett. The series focuses on the challenges of the current laws and regulations in Canada with respect to Indigenous data. Included in this list is a timely post exploring the risks and opportunities of using AI in relation to Indigenous Knowledge systems. Read on to learn more and continue following along on LinkedIn to be part of this important conversation!
Lastly, we are heading into conference season and are looking forward to seeing many familiar faces and connecting with new ones. Next week, our team will be at PDAC! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Indigenous Youth and Community Futures Fund. Deadline March 6th, 2025
Funding for opportunities for Indigenous youth to connect with their land, languages and cultures, and strengthen and deepen their relationships within and across Indigenous communities. This fund also supports the transmission of cultural practices and knowledge to future generations.
More information here
Indigenous People's Resilience Fund- Food Sovereignty. Deadline March 28, 2025
Eligible organizations and groups can apply for $5,000 to $100,000 for projects centered on food sovereignty, food security, and nutritional health and wellness, while embedding Indigenous knowledge and practices to achieve community resilience.
More information here
Indigenous Leadership Fund. Deadline March 31, 2027
The Indigenous Leadership Fund is being offered by Environment and Climate Change Canada as a new program under the Low Carbon Economy Fund. The program will fund Indigenous-owned and led renewable energy, energy efficiency, and low-carbon heating projects.
Click here for more information about this opportunity.
Emergency Management Assistance Program. Deadline March 31, 2025
The Emergency Management Assistance Program (EMAP) provides funding to First Nations communities so they can build resiliency and prepare for natural hazards such as:
More information here.
The Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund (CHIF) is a $6 billion fund that aims to accelerate new construction, rehabilitation and expansion of housing-enabling drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste infrastructure, directly supporting the creation of new housing supply and improved densification.
For a project to be eligible, applicants must demonstrate in their application that there is a housing need, or that growth is expected in the community where the project will take place.
More information here.
Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund. No deadline
The purpose of the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund - Emission Reductions Intake is to fund projects that will contribute to Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan targets by:
More information here.
Canada Water Agency's freshwater-related funding opportunities. Varied deadlines
Varied funding opportunities for water quality, ecological health of freshwater bodies.
See here for more info.
Indigenous Fishery Monitoring Fund. No deadline
Eligible Indigenous Peoples, communities, and groups can now apply to the Indigenous Fishery Monitoring Fund to support their participation in implementing the Fishery Monitoring Policy as they to continue to build capacity in fisheries monitoring and catch reporting activities.
Look here for more info.
Documentary Heritage Communities Program. No deadline given
We provide funding to local documentary heritage organizations for projects that meet one or both of these goals- Access and awareness, and Improving capacity for preservation
More information here.
Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages: Indigenous Language funding
Click here to learn about funding to support Indigenous language initiatives across Canada.
Wildfire and Natural Disaster Support. Varied deadlines
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program. No deadline
The Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities program provides funding for renewable energy and capacity building projects and related energy efficiency measures in Indigenous, rural and remote communities across Canada.
The program is currently accepting applications under the following streams:
Please note: Due to high demand, remaining funding for this stream is limited, eligible projects received will be added to a waitlist, should funds become available:
Please note: Due to high demand, CERRC has paused application intake for the following streams:
More info here.
Lands and Economic Development Services Program. Varied Deadlines
The Lands and Economic Development Services Program provides support to First Nation and Inuit communities to assist with enhancing the economic development, land and environmental capacity of communities and to support the establishment of the conditions for economic development to occur, increasing their participation in the economy. Up to $50,000 of project-based funding support.
More info here.
First Nations Waste Management Initiative. No deadline
This initiative provides support to First Nations to develop sustainable waste management systems through modern infrastructure, operations, training and partnerships.
More information here.
Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program. Varied deadlines
The Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Program supports the mandate of the Department of Canadian Heritage by building on Canada's strength as a diverse and inclusive society.
The program has three funding components: Events, Projects and Organizational Capacity Building.
Click here for more info!
Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities Program. No deadline
The Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) program will provide funding to enable communities and sectors to work together at a regional scale to co-develop coordinated actions that increase climate resilience in coastal regions.
The CRCC program will fund up to 25 pilot projects between 2023 and 2028 with a total budget of $41 million dollars under the Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan.
There is an Indigenous-led application process where applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Click here for more information.
Community Opportunity Readiness Program. No deadline
The Community Opportunity Readiness Program provides project-based funding for First Nation and Inuit communities’ pursuit of economic opportunities. The funding objective is that First Nation and Inuit communities implement economic and business development initiatives that will leverage private sector funding either immediately, or in the future.
Click here for more information about this funding opportunity.
Professional and Institutional Development Program. Varied deadlines
This program funds projects that develop the capacity of First Nations and Inuit communities to perform core functions of government such as planning and risk management, leadership, basic administration and financial management.
Click here for more information about this funding opportunity.
First Nations Health Authority: Indigenous Climate Health Action Program. No deadline
First Nations Health Authority’s Indigenous Climate Health Action Program (ICHAP) supports First Nations leadership in reducing climate change impacts on health. Preference given to communities that have not received ICHAP funding in the previous year.
Click here for more information about this funding opportunity.
The Blanket Fund. Varied deadlines
The Blanket Fund will provide support for Indigenous cultural, artistic, and educational activities. Offered through two grant streams (Reconciliation Action Grants and Capacity Building Grants), The Blanket Fund can be accessed by both grassroots Indigenous communities and organizations, and by Indigenous individuals undertaking related initiatives.
Click here for more information about this funding opportunity.
NEW! Environmental Damages Fund. Deadline April 16, 2025
Funding is available in the following provinces and territories: Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Environmental Damages Fund (EDF) is a Government of Canada program administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The Fund receives money from fines, penalties, court orders, and voluntary payments for environmental violations. This money is used to support projects that will benefit Canada’s natural environment, usually in the area where the violation occurred.
The Fund invests in projects falling within 4 funding categories:
Learn more here.
BC Nations, click here for a round up of all the funding available to you! And see below for our highlighted funding.
Click here for a round up of funding dedicated to Pacific Salmon Conservation.
Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative. Deadline March 17th, 2025
The British Columbia Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative (BCICEI) provides support and capacity-building funds to Indigenous communities working on the development of clean energy projects.
Attend a webinar to learn more about this funding! Webinar dates are coming up. See here for details.
Indigenous Climate Health Action Program. No deadline
This fund supports First Nations communities in reducing climate change impacts on health. Through this program, communities can strengthen their climate health resilience by working together to improve the environmental, social, cultural, and economic factors that affect their health and wellness. The program funds climate action projects that are community driven and focus on health and wellness outcomes. Projects can focus on climate health in general or on developing a strategy or action plan to reduce climate change impacts on community health.
Click here for more information.
Pacific Salmon Commission. Varied deadlines
The Pacific Salmon Commission Secretariat oversees and manages various grant programs that support the implementation of the Pacific Salmon Treaty. The amount of available funds for each program varies annually and grants are awarded upon review of applications by the respective fund committee.
More information here.
Professional and Institutional Development Program. Varied deadlines
This program funds projects that develop the capacity of First Nations and Inuit communities to perform core functions of government such as planning and risk management, leadership, basic administration and financial management.
Click here to learn more.
Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Fund (PRF). No deadline
Applications being accepted starting February 20th and available until all the funds are committed
Funding up to $100,000 per year, over two years is available for Indigenous-led charities and non-profits to support immediate work in enhancing poverty reduction and social inclusion initiatives.
The Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Fund is intended to be low barrier and flexible source of funding for Indigenous charities and non-profits needing a boost in their financial and service capacity to deliver on crucial poverty reduction and social inclusion initiatives.
More info here.
First Nations Recycling Initiative. No deadline
The First Nations Recycling Initiative supports recycling in First Nations communities throughout British Columbia. We collaborate directly with First Nations communities across BC to provide information about BC’s existing stewardship programs and local collection events in support of community recycling programs. We work together on projects to recycle these materials: tires, appliances, paper and packaging, electronics, beverage containers, batteries, power equipment, and health products.
More info here.
Government of British Columbia - Organics Infrastructure Program. No deadline
The Organics Infrastructure Program helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by investing up to $30 million into projects that support:
More information here.
Local Government Climate Action Program. No deadline
The Local Government Climate Action Program provides funding for local governments and modern treaty Nations to plan and implement climate action that will reduce emissions, create new opportunities for people in the clean economy and prepare communities for future climate impacts.
For more information, click here.
Indigenous Community Energy Coach Program & Indigenous Community Heat Pump Incentive. No deadline
The Province of BC offers free energy coaching services to support Indigenous communities wanting to take advantage of the CleanBC Indigenous Community Heat Pump Incentive and related energy efficiency offers.
For more information, click here.
Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario. Varied deadlines
Click here to learn about a range of programs supporting economic development, including tourism and small businesses.
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation Funding Opportunity. No deadline
The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation is providing funding through their Innovation Stream to support research development and commercialization of new and innovative technologies in Northern Ontario. Eligible projects include applied research and development projects, as well as a demonstration and commercialization of new and innovative technologies.
Click here for more information about this funding opportunity.
Indigenous Capacity Support Program. No Deadline
Under this Program, short-term funding is available outside of specific project assessments to support community understanding of environmental assessment (EA) and impact assessment (IA) processes and related issues. The aim is to help communities meaningfully participate in EA/IA processes. More information here.
Participant funding opportunities during an impact assessment:
This page links to notices about how to get involved in an active assessment. Notices are organized by location of the assessment, either by province, territory, or outside of Canada. You can also find open application periods for participant funding. Click here for info.
Through flexible funding opportunities delivered by Indigenous organizations, the Harvesters Support Grant and Community Food Programs Fund:
Clean Energy in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Communities. Environment and Climate Change Canada has announced an additional $300 million for clean energy projects. This funding supports projects that help advance Indigenous-led climate action, support local economic development, and create skilled jobs while reducing pollution and improving air quality. There is no deadline to apply.
Pathways to Safe Indigenous Communities. The Government of Canada is providing $103.8 million over 5 years to assist First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities with implementing and developing Indigenous-designed community safety projects. There are several activities eligible for this funding, including initiatives that recognize the importance of Traditional Knowledge and practices in community safety and well-being. There is no deadline for this funding.
Indigenous Data Sovereignty is the fundamental right of Indigenous Nations to control their own data—deciding how it’s collected, used, and shared. However, navigating the complexities of Canada’s legal and regulatory landscape is an ongoing challenge, especially when these frameworks don’t fully account for the collective rights of Indigenous Nations.
We believe in continuing the conversation on protecting and empowering Indigenous Data Rights. Today, we're bringing you a series of posts, developed by SVS's Jeff Hackett which dive into key laws, like the Privacy Act and PIPEDA, to explore how they interact with Indigenous Data Sovereignty. Jeff highlights the gaps and challenges these regulations pose, and discusses pathways forward to better protecting Indigenous Nations’ rights in the expanding digital landscape. By understanding and addressing these issues, we hope to support Indigenous Nations to assert their data sovereignty and shape the governance structures that directly impact their future.
If you are interested in learning or collaborating on initiatives to protect Indigenous Knowledge please reach out to Jeff here: jeff.hackett@sharedvaluesolutions.com
SVS News
It's conference season! We're looking forward to connecting with many of you in the next few weeks!
Also welcome to our new team members:
Learn more about Lisa here: https://hubs.ly/Q037_SJ40
Learn more about Robert here: https://hubs.ly/Q037PyRz0
SVS eBooks for Download: Collect Them All!
Check out our collection of informative eBooks that are available for free download:
We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous Nations with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications, and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.
Core Services: