Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.
We did it again! Along with a round-up of new funding opportunities, this week we are pleased to announce the release of another new eBook. This free eBook explores best practices for orphan oil and gas well rehabilitation on reserve lands and Traditional Territories.
Stay safe and well, everyone!
eBook Release
A Guide for Decision-Makers: Best Practices for Orphan Oil and Gas Well Rehabilitation on Reserve Lands and Traditional Territories
We are excited to announce the release of our latest eBook. The issue of tens of thousands of orphan well sites across western Canada is not new. If you are living with orphan well sites on your reserve lands or territory, you are likely aware of the ways those sites have affected the surrounding environment, and pose a potential health and safety risk to the citizens of your community.
We have written several other excellent and informative eBooks that are available for free download!
- Pandemic-Inspired Research Innovations
- Indigenous Planning Cheat Sheet
- Indigenous Business and the Resource Sector
- Indigenous Planning Starter Kit
- Indigenous Guardians and Development
Download our other eBooks here
Still Available: Free Emergency Consultation Department Support During COVID-19 from SVS
First Nations are reporting that, even in the midst of a pandemic that has many band offices closed, resource development proponents continue to send referrals to move projects forward. We have ideas on how to support. Get in touch.
Indigenous Funding Programs
We get that your plate is likely more than full at the moment, but here are some opportunities we didn't want you to miss out on.
Opportunities Round-up:
- CMHC will provide funding of $31.7 million, delivered through its On-Reserve Shelter Enhancement Program (SEP), to build 10 shelters in First Nations communities.
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is seeking feedback on proposed amendments to the Marine Mammal Regulations (MMR) and the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations (PAR) under the Fisheries Act.
- The ROM is accepting proposals to create an Indigenous Learning Portal (online educational platform) that explores Traditional and contemporary knowledge and histories of Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island. Proposals due July 21, 2020.
- The Standards Council of Canada has made an RFP (SCC RFP 2021-05) for a guidance document on understanding climate change information.
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has a requirement to setup Standing Offer Agreements for the provision of scientific and technical advisory services on matters related to incidents and effects from stressors on aquatic species and environments.
- The Government of Canada is seeking public input on freshwater challenges in Canada and how a Canada Water Agency can further protections for Canada's freshwater resources.
- Proposals for exemptions from the Environmental Assessment Act from the Environmental Registry of Ontario:
- Transport Canada is seeking the services of a consultant to provide training to employees working with Indigenous Peoples.
- DFO Indigenous Habitation Participation Program. Applications due September 9, 2020.
- The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada has PFP available for the proposed Valentine Gold Project. Applications due July 31, 2020.
- The Canada Energy Regulator has PFP in relation to the NGTL Medicine Hat Looping Project 2023 in Alberta. Applications deadline TBD.
Alberta: Landowners and Indigenous communities can nominate oil and gas sites for closure work through the Site Rehabilitation Program
"A site nomination list will be available soon, and at that time oil field service contractors may view the list of sites to negotiate with the site licensee (the oil and gas company responsible) to enter into a contract to close the site through a Site Rehabilitation Program grant."
News Digest
Tribes Defeat Trump Administration and NRA in 9th Circuit on Sacred Grizzly Bear Appeal
"This is a historic day for tribal nations,: said Chief Stan C. Grier, Chief of the Piikani Nation.
Podcast series gives Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth change to host and produce
Summer is a great time for podcasts - and for hearing each others' stories!
Washington NFL team name change shows you can combat racism by making it 'unprofitable': Jesse Wente
Team officially drops name after decades of criticism from Native Americans.
New medical mask company will prioritize Indigenous orders
New medical mask company will prioritize Indigenous orders - MediMask Canada, Moosomin's new $2-million enterprise, began operations in Edmonton a week ago Wednesday.
Mississauga Nation launches online culture and language initiatives
Group of 6 First Nations in Ontario are working to reclaim their shared cultural identity.
WWF Canada: Indigenous-led Conservation in the Path Forward
Partnering with First Nations, Métis and Inuit in their traditional lands and waters, Indigenous-led conservation supports and embraces Indigenous Knowledge, sovereignty and governance while focusing on the specific needs of local communities and nations.
Qikiqtani Inuit Association and Baffinland sign new multimillion-dollar benefit agreement
Inuit Certainty Agreement “sets new benchmark for Inuit benefit agreements”
Canada's largest Indigenous police force has never shot anyone dead
In its 26 years of existence, officers with Canada’s largest Indigenous police force have never shot and killed anyone and no officer has died in the line of duty, despite a grinding lack of resources and an absence of normal accountability mechanisms.
Reconciliation Circle Update 
In each issue of The Talon, we bring you stories from the Reconciliation Circle, our group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous SVSers who come together regularly to explore issues of diversity and inclusion. We share what we're up to, and what we're talking about. Please share any ideas you might have for what we could get up to!
This week's focus: The #StopHateforProfit Campaign
Shared Value solutions is proud to join the #StopHateforProfit campaign. We will pull all ads on Facebook and Instagram, effective immediately, through at least the end of July, pending meaningful action from Facebook.
we wish to raise awareness of the harmful, racist content and misinformation that is shared on these social platforms and ask that Facebook and Instagram strengthen their content-moderation policies and enforce them consistently. We will redirect our ad budget to Indigenous media platforms.
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About Us: Shared Value Solutions
We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous Nations with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.