Happy 2023! If one of your New Years Resolutions was to start planning your field work for the upcoming season, then look no further for inspiration!
Download our eBook for free to hear about how Indigenous Nations are using environmental monitoring to further stewardship efforts, assert jurisdiction, prepare for climate change, and empower citizens to protect their lands and waters.
This book is a collection of the most popular posts from our Environmental Monitoring blog series and covers everything from deciding what to monitor, why, and how to do it. Additionally, we cover lessons learned around specific monitoring situations, such as mines, pipelines, and other linear corridors.
We’ll also discuss how placing your Nation’s Indigenous Knowledge at the heart of environmental monitoring plans can create the best possible results. Finally, and perhaps most critically, we’ll explore unexpected ways to fund and build up your program now and into the future so that environmental monitors and Guardians can approach their role not as a job, but as a career.
What's in this eBook?
A collection of posts from our info rich Environmental Monitoring blog series:
- Environmental Monitoring, Empowering Citizens
- Five Key Questions to Plan a Community-led Environmental Monitoring Program
- Four Creative Ways to Fund Your Environmental Monitoring Project
- Five Benefits of Placing Indigenous Knowledge at the Heart of Environmental Monitoring
- Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas: What You Need to Know
- Along the Line: Why Linear Corridors Need Environmental Monitoring
IPCAs, Empowering Citizen Scientists, and More
We also include in this eBook, a primer on Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). With the Indigenous-led conservation movement kicking into high gear across the country, we make the links between strong environmental monitoring plans and the ability to further your Nation's conservation and stewardship goals.
And, as always, this eBook rests on the many environmental monitoring programs we’ve helped build, and the many environmental monitors we’ve helped to train, in Indigenous Nations from coast to coast to coast over the past decade. We hope you find inspiration in their stories and find new ideas to add to your own plans.
Looking for help with your environmental monitoring plan?
Please give us a shout. Our team would love to chat through all your options. Or just chat about environmental everything. We are a self-declared group of science nerds who always have time for everything from bats and turtles to caribou and eels and all the systems that nurture and sustain what matters on our planet.
Happy Reading!
About Us: Shared Value Solutions
We are an Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous communities with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.
Impact Benefit Agreement Negotiation Support
Technical Reviews and Regulatory Process Support
Community and Economic Development Planning
Indigenous Knowledge and Land Use Studies
Environmental Monitoring
Guardians Program Development
Climate Change Readiness
GIS and Mapping