Eight years in, our little company has grown from the original five partners to a staff of 40. We know who we are, what we stand for and where we are going. It's high time for a new logo that showcases our commitment to our values, our clients, and to our community. In consultation with local Elders, we explored the meaning and symbolism of various animals to find the one that most resonates with our mission and with our vision of Prosperity, Stewardship, and Jurisdiction. We chose the osprey as the animal that most represented our “unshakable commitment to a land where all peoples can reach their full potential, share prosperity, and uphold their rights.”
The osprey is far-sighted, focused and observant. Ospreys soar above the world; they see the obstacles and the way around. Guided by these characteristics, we strive to help communities and all peoples reach their full potential. This is prosperity.
The osprey is an indicator of environmental health. After decades of low numbers, largely because of contaminated waters (from DDT and other industrial contaminants), osprey populations are on the rise. Ospreys are now returning to areas they previously inhabited and are successfully breeding and raising young. The increase in population indicates cleaner waters, and healthier fish — the main food of ospreys. Many actions by many people have contributed to this result – Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and science have indicated the need for reducing contaminants in our environment; people and organizations have pushed governments to improve environmental regulations. We’ve seen the elimination of the use of some harmful pollutants, and people are actively building nesting boxes to help ospreys. Every time we see an osprey, it shows us how the efforts of people to care for the water and land can make a difference. This is stewardship.
Raptor birds are guardians. They appear when we need to pay more attention to what is going on around us, when we need to focus on the future, not just live in the moment. As we strive to realize our commitment to the land and upholding the rights of all peoples, the guidance and keen vision symbolized by the osprey are the way forward. This is jurisdiction.
Our look may be changing, but our commitment to our work is not! Just as the osprey is a symbol of the healthy lands and waters that we work hard to protect, we will continue to be a symbol of the power that comes from collaborative and respectful relationships.
And while we're at it, we have a new name for our newsletter! For all our loyal readers of Eagle Eye Digest, you'll find all the latest funding announcements, news and more in our refreshed bi-weekly newsletter. No need to sign up if you're already a reader. For the rest of you, sign up here:
We are an Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous communities with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.
Strategic Regulatory and Environmental Assessment Process Support