Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.
Last edition, we shone a light on the upswing of Indigenous Guardians programs in Canada. The flip side of this same coin are Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). Just as Valérie Courtois of the Indigenous Leadership Initiative explains how Indigenous Guardians are good for the country, so too are IPCAs! The media this week was filled with good news on this front, which we've shared in our round-up below. We currently have the honour of assisting Shawanaga First Nation with the development of their Shawanaga Island IPCA. In this week's instalment of the related video series, Nature-based Solutions: Indigenous-led Conservation and Carbon Storage in Canada, watch our interview with John Cutfeet, from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, who talks about his nation's role as traditional stewards of the land (and the need to ensure that carbon offsets do not cause dispossession or loss of land control). Some interesting new funding opportunities in our usual round-up below, and inspiring stories from across Turtle Island. Stay safe and well, everyone!
SVS Video Series:
Nature-based Solutions: Indigenous-led Conservation and Carbon Storage in Canada
The videos in this series feature conversations with Indigenous leaders, researchers, and environmental organizations about the potential alignment of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas and nature-based solutions like carbon storage and carbon offsets.
From our friends at the Conservation Through Reconciliation Partnership: "Nature-based solutions are actions that restore, protect, or sustainably manage ecosystems while contributing to the well-being of societies and biodiversity. When led by Indigenous Peoples, nature-based solutions can contribute to economic development while supporting Indigenous governance and cultures. Despite being interconnected, innovations in climate action and conservation are often isolated from one another. These resources are outputs of a project led by the CRP in collaboration with Anwaatin and Shared Value Solutions, and funded by the Metcalf Foundation."
This week's feature video: John Cutfeet, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
Blog in this Series: Indigenous Guardians are Good for the Country: Valérie Courtois
Watch Valérie Courtois explain the multi-layered environmental, social and economic benefits of Guardians programs, and how industry is getting on board to support these programs.
Watch and read more on the SVS blog.
Indigenous Funding Programs
Here are some opportunities to check out:
Coming Soon: New Federal Funding Announcement for Indigenous Guardians Programs
The Canadian federal government has just announced that the 2021-2022 call for proposals for new (Tier 1) First Nations Guardians’ Initiatives will be launched on Monday, August 31, 2020. Ten new projects will be selected for $600,000 in total funding for the fiscal year, nationally.
COVID-19 Mental Health Support for Indigenous Communities
Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller announced $82.5 million in new funding for Indigenous communities to deal with increased mental health needs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on supporting culturally appropriate services like on the land and community-based programs. The funds will be divided between First Nations, Inuit and Métis regional organizations, which will determine how the new money will be used.
Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund
Any Indigenous-led organization or Indigenous-serving organization working to foster resilience in Inuit, Metis and First Nations communities anywhere in Canada can apply for resiliency funds ranging from $5,000 to $30,000. The Fund has been accepting applications beginning on June 16th, 2020 and is ongoing. The Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund is being developed by Indigenous philanthropic knowledge holders and is being incubated with support from Community Foundations of Canada.
Indigenous Community Support Fund
The Government of Canada announced that an additional $305 million will be added to the Indigenous Community Support Fund. It will be distributed through a combination of allocations directly to First Nations, Inuit and Métis leadership, and needs-based funding, which will be application driven. Further details will be forthcoming
Opportunities Round-up:
- The Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO released a draft planning framework for the transportation of used nuclear fuel, and are seeking feedback and input on the framework over the coming months.
- Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is seeking feedback on its draft policies related to Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) in captivity to further understand stakeholder views and interests. You can submit ideas through the online form or through e-mail.
- The Department of Indigenous Services Canada requires professional Indigenous translation services on an as and when-requested basis for the Communications Branch in support of response to emergency situations or urgent needs such as in cases of pandemic, business continuity operations, crisis communications.
News Digest
Seal River Watershed slated to become Indigenous Protected Area
Five Indigenous communities with three distinct cultures are working together with a common purpose to conserve the Seal River Watershed as an Indigenous Protected Area. The goal of this project is to protect the watershed from industrial development in order to preserve it in its pristine state for future generations to enjoy.
IRC's Indigenous Guardians project sees successful first year
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation’s Indigenous Guardians project is coming up on the one-year mark and those involved are reporting healthy results!
'It's like paradise for us': the Cree Nation's fight to save the Broadback Forest
This 1.3 million hectare forest in Quebec has never been logged or known the incursion of roads. It’s also one of the most carbon dense places on the planet, holding twice as much carbon as the Amazon per hectare — but community members fear ‘the loggers are coming’
Fisher River Cree Nation celebrates landmark solar energy project
A Manitoba First Nation is celebrating a landmark achievement, by launching what it calls the province’s largest solar energy farm. A red ribbon was cut to usher in the green energy project, which was built entirely by Indigenous employees.
Healing on the land for our people and our economy
Investing in First Nations’ stewardship can help the country heal – from the pandemic, from the threat of climate change, from the loss of biodiversity and from the scars of colonialism. It begins with supporting Indigenous leadership on the land.
Thaidene Nene has busy first year, despite few tourists
The NWT’s newest national park reserve, Thaidene Nene, has had a busy year despite the pandemic putting a damper on the number of visitors this summer.
SVS Ebooks for Download: Collect them all!
Check out our collection of informative eBooks that are available for free download:
- Pandemic-Inspired Research Innovations
- Indigenous Planning Cheat Sheet
- Indigenous Business and the Resource Sector
- Indigenous Planning Starter Kit
- Indigenous Guardians and Development
Download our eBooks here
Still Available: Free Emergency Consultation Department Support During COVID-19 from SVS
First Nations are reporting that, even in the midst of a pandemic that has many band offices closed, resource development proponents continue to send referrals to move projects forward. We have ideas on how to support. Get in touch.
Reconciliation Circle Update 
In each issue of The Talon, we bring you stories from the Reconciliation Circle, our group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous SVSers who come together regularly to explore issues of diversity and inclusion. We share what we're up to, and what we're talking about. Please share any ideas you might have for what we could get up to!
This week's focus: Calls to action! Learn more about Indigenous Canada and Black Lives Matter
This week we wanted to highlight some calls to action we've been sharing around the office and beyond in our continued effort to learn from, and amplify Black and Indigenous voices. Join us by taking a look at these resources and sharing with your community, family, friends or workplace!
Learn more about Indigenous Canada by registering for this free course. The University of Alberta is offering a free Indigenous Canada Massive Open Online Course from the Faculty of Native Studies exploring Indigenous histories and key issues in Canada from Indigenous perspectives. Canadian actor Dan Levy has even asked his millions of social media followers to join in on the 12-lesson course and is working with the professors to host a Q&A each week on his social media accounts. At Shared Value Solutions, we’re hoping to create our own group to work through the course and continue our learning about Indigenous Canada together.
Support Black Lives Matter, learn more, and share these resources. Black Lives Matter has a variety of resources available on their website that we wanted to highlight and share this week. Here you’ll find Toolkits on a variety of topics including Healing Action, Healing Justice, Conflict Resolution and more. After you take a look, share these resources with your family, friends, coworkers or social media followers and join us in continuing to support #BlackLivesMatter.
We are always looking for new learning opportunities and resources to share with our community. Please reach out if you have any suggestions or ideas to share with us!
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About Us: Shared Value Solutions
We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous Nations with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.