Welcome to THE TALON!
Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest! If you are new here, read on for
- A scan of Indigenous funding programs
- Stories of prosperity, jurisdiction and stewardship in action
- Recent SVS blogs, highlighting cutting-edge approaches to impact benefit agreements and more
- Updates from the Reconciliation Circle
If you are a long-time reader of our old Eagle Eye Digest, thank you for sticking with us! We hope you like our new look. All comments and requests for content are welcome! We write this for you, our readers - so let us know what you want to hear about.
Indigenous Funding Programs
Green Infrastructure – Environmental Quality Program
This program, funded through the Government of Canada and Government of British Columbia, supports Indigenous Nations in B.C. to enhance the management of water and wastewater. Funding may also be used for projects that improve community water infrastructure and access. There is a total of $150 million available in this round of funding. Applications are due on February 26, 2020.
Ontario - Rural Economic Development (RED) Program
Ontario's Rural Economic Development (RED) Program has announced the re-opening of an application intake period for the Economic Diversification and Competitiveness projects and Strategic Economic Infrastructure projects. The next intake deadline is February 24, 2020. The program is open to Indigenous communities and organizations, municipalities, not-for-profit entities, and local services boards. Funding of up to $150,000 is available for "Economic Diversification and Competitiveness" and up to $250,000 for "Strategic Economic Infrastructure".
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission - Notice of Public Hearing and Participant Funding
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) will hold a public hearing on June 17 and 18, 2020 to consider an application from Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Limited (CNL) to amend its waste facility decommissioning licence for the Douglas Point Waste Facility (DPWF).
News Digest
'We still have title': How a landmark B.C. court case set the stage for Wet'suwet'en protests
How a landmark B.C. court case set the stage for Wet'suwet'en protests - Delgamuukw vs. BritishColumbia underscores First Nations' authority over their land.
A Festival first: Peguis First Nation represented in annual snow scupture contest
For the first time, a First Nation will be representing its people at an international snow sculpture competition based in Winnipeg. Bronze sculptor Wayne Stranger, who is from Peguis First Nation, said he got the call last week telling him he would be a last-minute addition to the annual symposium at the Festival du Voyageur. [...] He said making space for more Indigenous artists is part of the event's ongoing efforts to contribute to reconciliation and make sure it's creating an inclusive space.
SaskPower natural gas power stations near Moose Jaw moves forward
SaskPower 350 megawatt natural gas power station near Moose Jaw moves forward - SaskPower says it will support "intermittent renewable options such as wind and solar."
SVS's Latest Blogs
#PDAC2020: SVS Hosting Two Sessions this Year - PLUS #PDAC Blog Series: Sharing Business Success Stories
The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada’s (PDAC) annual convention is around the corner from March 1st to March 4th in Toronto. See what SVS will be up to - and if you can't make the convention, read our PDAC Blog Series: Sharing Business Success Stories.
#PDAC Business Success Profiles: Pawgwasheeng Economic Development Corporation
The number of successful, thriving Indigenous businesses that got their start connected to the resource sector is growing at an exciting rate. In the lead-up to the March 1-4th PDAC conference in Toronto, we are profiling each of these businesses in a blog series. Guest authors from each business have graciously shared their company stories. Today’s feature is the Pawgwasheeng Economic Development Corporation.
#PDAC Business Success Profiles: Des Nedhe Development
Here is the second instalment in the series on successful, thriving Indigenous businesses that got their start connected to the resource sector. This post features Des Nedhe Development.
Reconciliation Circle Update 
Over a year ago, a group of Indigenous employees came together to create the Reconciliation Circle at SVS. Our group has grown to include both Indigenous and non-Indigenous employees. Valuing the diversity of our team and striving for inclusion, for all employees, is at the root of why we do what we do.
Here's what we've been up to:
- The Reconciliation Circle has increased in size and composition adding both our Social Impact Officer and Chief Executive Officer to the mix – we are happy to have such a diverse group of team members supporting such an awesome initiative.
- Over the past year we have been working hard at developing objectives around cultural awareness at our company. One of the ways we like to do that is to share a meal and come together to learn. We recently came together to watch Smoke Signals and Indian Horse. We have some upcoming learning sessions on the history of Residential Schools and Indigenous Law.
- Our awesome Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator, Alex Levi, has provided cultural and community training to all new SVS employees over the last year.
- We invited our team members to see Mi’kmaq Elder Albert Marshall who is speaking on Two-Eyed Seeing at the Guelph Humber Campus on Feb 18, 2020!
Over the coming issues of The Talon, we'll be updating you with stories from the Reconciliation Circle - what we're up to, what we're talking about. Please share any ideas you might have for what we could get up to!
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About Us: Shared Value Solutions
We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous communities with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.
- Reviews of Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements
Strategic Regulatory and Environmental Assessment Process Support
- First Nation Land Code communities
- Indigenous Guardian programs
- Impact Benefit Agreements: technical and regulatory support for negotiations
- Indigenous Jurisdiction initiatives: joint management agreements and co-management agreements
- Community-based Indigenous environmental monitoring
- Indigenous Land Use Planning
- Participant funding negotiation and application support
- Multimedia Storytelling