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Indigenous Nations prepare for high waters: Floodplain Mapping in 2025

Flood Plain Mapping_2025


The Magnetawan River surging with spring meltwater near Magnetawan First Nation, Spring 2019


Indigenous Nations Prepare for High Waters

Every spring, a growing number of Indigenous Nations face the threat of surging meltwaters. In our recent report produced in collaboration with the Canadian Climate Institute, we revealed our findings that showed how Indigenous Nations are more susceptible to the impacts of Climate Change.  Read the report here.


Water is precious, unpredictable, and powerful. What are Nations doing to manage the risks, while living with the benefits, of water?

If your Nation has experienced the devastating impacts of flooding, you know that rising waters are a threat not only to lives and land, but to the mental health and wellbeing of everyone who endures the stresses of this forced relocation. With climate change set to exacerbate this problem, many Nations are asking themselves, are we prepared for the day when the waters rise?


How can floodplain mapping and modelling reduce the impacts of flooding?

Some Indigenous Nations are tackling the flood problem head-on through the use of a powerful planning tool: floodplain modelling and mapping. The results of floodplain mapping give you the ability to see what areas might be under water in the future under various scenarios – extreme storms, droughts or dam breaks, for example – and how likely these scenarios are to occur. Why is this tool so useful? Here are a few reasons:



How is floodplain mapping done?

At SVS, our approach to floodplain mapping includes both scientific modeling and community knowledge. We work closely and collaboratively with the lands department, often conducting the research and interviews together. Read on for an overview of the steps involved.



Case Study: Magnetawan First Nation Floodplain Mapping 

Magnetawan First Nation (MFN) ratified its Land Code in June 2015 and partnered with SVS to create a Land Use Plan and Environmental Management Plan. During this process, the community identified climate change, particularly flooding risks, as a concern. MFN secured federal funding through the First Nations Adapt program for flood risk modelling and mapping, which led to updates in the Land Use Plan.


SVS provided strategic advice and expertise in community flood mapping, climate adaptation strategies, and developing a river monitoring program. In the first phase, SVS helped with flood risk modelling, community engagement, and mapping, resulting in flood hazard mitigation recommendations and an online GIS map. These findings informed amendments to the Land Use Plan to reduce future flood risks.


In the second phase, SVS assisted in developing a river monitoring program, creating a framework for climate and environmental monitoring, and helping MFN track water quality and quantity. They also trained community members and staff on data collection and analysis methods, ensuring ongoing implementation of the program.


See you video below which shows the results of the flood plain mapping project we did with MFN!




Funding for Flood Plain Mapping

We're always available to help with creative funding solutions- reach out! In the meantime, check out the 

Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program for funding options.

Indigenous Planning Blog Series

This is the seventh post in a series that explores ways Indigenous communities have used the planning process to create an exciting vision for their future and a realistic roadmap to get there – and some resources and ideas for you to do the same. We hope you join us for the rest of the ride.  And please get in touch if there’s a topic you’d like us to explore.


Read more posts in this series:


Looking for floodplain mapping and modelling help? Or other planning help?

If you are trying to figure out how to get started, do give us a shout. We’d be happy to discuss your options and help you weigh the pros and cons of your planning options. We’re a team of self-proclaimed planning geeks who love to talk about this stuff, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Looking for a quick overview of some planning options you might be considering?


Download Planning Cheat Sheet


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About Us: Shared Value Solutions

We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous communities with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power. 


We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward. 





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