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The Talon: Mikisew Advisian Environmental and SVS Release eBook

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well and enjoying this short, COVID-19-clouded summer. 

Remember that eBook we released in the last issue? The one that explores best practices for orphan...

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The Talon: New Funding, New eBook Release

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

We did it again! Along with a round-up of new funding opportunities, this week we are pleased to announce the release of another new eBook. This free...

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The Talon: New Funding, eBook Release

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

Along with a round-up of new funding opportunities, this week we are pleased to announce the release of a new eBook that explores how Indigenous...

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The Talon: New Funding, National Indigenous Peoples Day

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21st is National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is an important time to reflect on Canada’s colonial...

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The Talon: New Funding, Field Work During COVID-19

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

"It's been a long time coming, but I know a change is gonna come." - Sam Cooke

SVS stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We...

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The Talon: New Funding, New Work Approches During COVID-19

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope this edition finds you well. Based on your enthusiastic response to our last feature on remote research for Indigenous Knowledge studies, we are pleased to feature the...

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The Talon: Remote Research Methods and New Funding

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope this edition finds you well. Our feature this week is our new blog post on remote research for Indigenous Knowledge studies - the first in a series that explores remote...

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The Talon: Funding and Fundraising During COVID-19

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope this edition finds you well. With the news out of Gull Bay this week of community cases of COVID-19, urgency around actions that can prevent or contain outbreaks in...

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The Talon: Covid-19 Support Edition

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope this edition finds you well. Our hearts go out to everyone who is in isolation, or sick, or anxious about what will come next. 

As this crisis intensifies, at SVS we are...

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The Talon: Special Covid-19 Resource Edition #2

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope this edition finds you well. Our hearts go out to everyone who is in isolation, or sick, or anxious about what will come next. We hear you and we are with you. 


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