Welcome to Shared Value Solutions' biweekly funding and news digest. We hope this edition finds you well. With the news out of Gull Bay this week of community cases of COVID-19, urgency around actions that can prevent or contain outbreaks in Indigenous communities is intensifying by the day.
This edition of the Talon includes updates on the initiatives we are involved with to help keep people safe and well. It includes sources of funding for projects such as flood plain mapping, and stories of inspiration from across Turtle Island. We've also included a guest post from JP Gladu with insight on what Indigenous businesses need to survive this time.
Stay safe and well, everyone!
Supporting Indigenous Nations During COVID-19: Update
We are witnessing an explosion of innovative solutions to fill the greatest needs. Here are updates on some of the projects we currently have a hand in. The most significant development of the week is SVS's partnership with GlobalMedic, the Canadian charity at the heart of supply chain logistics to bring needed supplies to northern Ontario. Read more below.
Guest blog post by JP Gladu, Former CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business:
Supporting First Nation Economies During COVID-19: Economic Development Corporations Need Wage Subsidy to Survive
“First Nations that own economic development corporations are asking for the same assistance provided to all businesses in Canada. Without it, First Nations will experience significant impacts to their communities.”
Seeking Industry Donations:
New Constellations of Cooperation: First Nations, Industry, NGOs and Government Work Together to Build COVID-19 Supply Chain
SVS is helping connect industry donations to Indigenous Nations requesting support during COVID-19 through Canadian charity GlobalMedic.
SVS Partnering with Precision Biomonitoring to Bring Rapid COVID-19 Testing Device to Remote Indigenous Communities
Precision Biomonitoring and Shared Value Solutions have created a partnership to bring rapid COVID-19 test equipment to First Nations with serious health needs.
SVS Offering Free Emergency Consultation Department Support During COVID-19
First Nations are reporting that, even in the midst of a pandemic that has many band offices closed, resource development proponents continue to send referrals to move projects forward. We have ideas on how to support. Get in touch.
Into the Right Hands: Conjuring a Hand Sanitizer Supply Chain to Indigenous Communities
An army of problem solvers have conjured a hand sanitizer supply chain to fill the need for hand sanitizer in northern Ontario First Nations.
Read Toronto Star article on this story:
Things are evolving hourly, so please contact us if you are interested in the status of any of these initiatives.
Indigenous Funding Programs
We get that your plate is likely more than full at the moment, but here are some opportunities we didn't want you to miss out on.
Indigenous Nations prepare for high waters: Floodplain Mapping 2020-2021 First Nation Adapt Funding Still Available
Watch Magnetawan First Nation's video explaining how their flood mapping project will support land and emergency planning.
Magnetawan's project was funded through the First Nation Adapt program. This fund is still operating, although at a reduced capacity during the COVID-19 emergency. The good news is that there is still 2020-2021 funding available.
Elder Services at Correctional institutions
Objective is "to assist Indigenous offenders, in their traditional healing journey, to further develop an understanding of traditional Indigenous culture through teachings, guidance, counselling, and use traditional ceremonies and practices to promote healing and balance."COVID-19 Development Stimulus Fund Application: up to $25,000 to indigenous tourism businesses
The goal of this program is to assist in providing relief for Canadian Indigenous tourism businesses that are being affected by the impacts of travel restrictions and prepare for future tourism seasons. This can include market awareness, managing larger volumes of visitors, training qualified staff, and designing sustainable business growth strategies.
Read more
Emergency Management Assistance Program funding for Covid Response
EMAP provides funding to First Nations communities so they can build resiliency, prepare for natural hazards and respond to them using the 4 pillars of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery.
Government of Canada announces $306 million support package for Indigenous businesses
There are a few links related to this:
- APTN: Indigenous Services explains how $306M business aid package will be distributed
- CBC: Feds pledge $306M aid for Indigenous businesses suffering COVID-19 losses
- Government of Canada: Prime Minister announces support for Indigenous businesses
Indigenous Students to receive $75 million in pandemic aid from Government of Canada
Other COVID-19 resources:
- Government of BC releases Indigenous Consultation directive during COVID-19 pandemic
- Government of Canada: COVID-19: First Nations Community Guide on Accessing Additional Supports
- First Peoples Law: Exercising Indigenous Jurisdiction Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
News Digest
Traditional crafters Indigenizing face masks during COVID-19 pandemic
Some Indigenous artists are channelling their anxieties about the COVID-19 pandemic into making unique face masks using traditional crafting techniques and materials.
Indigenous comedians chip away at colonialism
Humour is a great way to bring people together in challenging times...but it can do much more! These Indigenous comedians share how they use comedy as a way to reclaim space, share their truth and educate their audiences on issues their communities are facing stemming from colonialism.
Created during Spanish flu, jingle dress dance now helping First Nations people cope with COVID-19
During the COVID-19 pandemic, women and girls across North America have been posting videos of themselves doing jingle dress dancing, a style of dance you'd typically see at powwows. It's a healing dance, and it has historic ties to another pandemic from 100 years ago.
Reconciliation Circle Update 
In each issue of The Talon, we bring you stories from the Reconciliation Circle, our group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous SVSers who come together regularly to explore issues of diversity and inclusion. We share what we're up to, and what we're talking about. Please share any ideas you might have for what we could get up to!
This week's challenge: Watch more Indigenous films!
There's a massive free catalogue of Indigenous films online - check it out.
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About Us: Shared Value Solutions
We are a Canadian B Corp, and we assist Indigenous Nations with support throughout regulatory processes surrounding major development projects like mines, hydroelectric facilities, transmission lines, highway expansions, oil and gas pipelines, natural resource transport applications and nuclear power.
We have deep context and experience behind the recommendations we provide, having worked for our clients on almost every major project in Canada over the last 10 years. For us, it’s all about building long-term relationships with our clients. We want to get to know you and what you want to do so we can help you move your plans forward.
Please note: Our website has been hacked, and we are working to restore it. Our blog is not connected to the main site and is unaffected.