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THE TALON: Last chance for sign ups! Latest Funding Opportunities, Blogs, News, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

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THE TALON: Latest Funding Opportunities, Blogs, News, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

In this issue, we bring you an interview with the inspiring Chief Christine Minnabarriet of Cook's Ferry Indian Band for the final post in our Lands and...

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THE TALON: Latest Funding Opportunities, Blogs, News, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

In this issue, we bring you more blogs from our Lands and Consultation Department eBook series. This month's #womencrushwednesday article features the amazing...

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THE TALON: New Lands Department Blog, News, Funding, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

In this issue, we bring you the second blog in our Lands and Consultation Department eBook series. Also in this issue is information on an opportunity to have...

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THE TALON: Lands Department Blog, SVS Summit, News, Funding, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

We kick off summer with the release of the first blog in our recently launched Lands and Consultation Department eBook series. Also in this issue are shout outs...

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THE TALON: NEW eBook Release, News, Funding, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our newest eBook - Built to Last: A Lands and Consultation Department Guidebook! In this free, downloadable...

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THE TALON: Conference Spotlight, News, Funding, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

SVS is thrilled to be back to attending conferences in person -- and what an exciting and action-packed schedule of attendance, speaking engagements,...

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THE TALON: ICYMI eBook and Climate Webinar, News, Funding, and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

As winter gives way to the summer sun and warmth fills the air again, we completely understand if your attention was elsewhere and you missed our recent...

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THE TALON SPECIAL EDITION: eBook Release, News, Funding, Jobs and More!

Welcome to Shared Value Solutions biweekly funding and news digest. We hope it finds you well.

In this special edition, we are thrilled to announce the release of our much-anticipated new eBook - Protecting What Matters: Environmental Monitoring...

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